Cochineal: A Bright Red Animal Dye is a 1992 Master's Thesis about the red dye extract from cochineal insects. It was written by LaVerne M. Dutton, who received a Master of Science in Environmental Archaeology from Baylor University in Waco, Texas.
This thesis can be read by clicking on the links below or on the left sidebar:
your word the god nopal
your hand - - 39 your pustura
the ocote the three the earth
the god nopal - - 39 the god cochineal - - 39
your mother and your father - - 39
great miracle the word miracle of life - - 39
the spirit saint - - 9 limima liana - - 39
the lord spirit comtas quilla - - 39
your spirit - - 99 pieces
now i have come
i am going to rise up here where you are
where i may make payment
to the lord spirit the god earth
the snake obscure red or black
the lightening black and red guel sutay
to where he burst forth
to where he was born
the god nopal here where he grew
where they raise up
snake (culebra) nopal lightening nopal
they he may give what he has in his hand
to he that was born of nopal
the black spirit guel sutay he
read full prayer and glossary